星期日, 2月 19, 2012

Bright side

I often get confused that whether today is Sunday or Monday.

As I’ve already mentioned in my previous post, Kedah (with Terengganu and Kelantan) is practising kind of different workweek system from central government which is Friday and Saturday are the weekend.

I grumbled a lot in my last post. No allowance is oppression, I thought. But, try to look on the bright side.

Thanks to no allowance, I found myself is getting healthier. Hey, this is an honest speaking, NOT an irony.

This is because I has largely reduced my meat consumption and turned to more vegetarian diet or 'healthier' food like this:

Oatmeal and cracker have became my daily essential supply. lol

I believe that the DARKEST hour is that before the dawn. When things are at the worst, they begin to mend.

Ooopps, did I use the correct proverbs?
