星期二, 7月 17, 2012

Handphones must stay OUT of my classroom!!

Read this article first: Nod for handphones in schools

My God, what’s wrong with our ministry of education? What on earth is inside their brain? What are those donkeys who sitting in air-cond office thinking of? Have they ever considered the consequences and all those side-effects that might be happened of allowing students bring their handphones into classroom?

Brainless! It’s purely brainless! Opps, I shouldn’t blame them, because they are neither educator nor educationist, instead of a gang of unenlightened bureaucrats.

I fully understood the effort has being taken by our dear ministry to implement the so-called “1Bestari” programme which provides virtual teaching environment for teachers and students. I admit that it definitely helps in improving the process of teaching and learning but this doesn’t mean it give an excuse to ministry to let students bringing their own gadgets. Instead, government should build more Bestari classrooms 精明教室 for schools which equipped with free WiFi and devices of information and communications technology (ICT).

It will absolutely create chaos if we allow students using their handphones during schooling time.

I certainly not go against technology, I knew that teaching with ICT is kind of trend as well. Chalk and talk has turned medieval in eyes of some educators though I quite disagree with it. 

Handphone is, of course, a necessity for every adult, but not for students. Handphones must remain prohibited in classroom~!!

First of all, a handphone is not as cheap as a pencil case. Some multifunction smartphones can reach 2K and above, and even the lowest price for handphones also at least cost RM300. In short, handphone is a super expensive item for students. 

So just imagine, what’s gonna happen if someone lost his/her handphone in school? Who should take the responsibility of it? You might say, ‘of course student himself lah!’

But, parents won’t think in this way, most of them will blame the school and teachers. So, at that time, teachers need to transform into ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and dig every corner of school compound just for that bloody missing handphone!!  

I am not pessimistic. Huge item like school bags can be lost in school, why not for those attractive and expensive Iphone or Galaxy Note? 

Secondly, handphone is a big distraction to teaching and learning. Currently I am a student, I know this very much! Most of us are playing our handphones when the lecture is boring. Nowadays, handphone is not just used for communicating, it is armed with a huge variety of functions, such as playing game, surfing internet, watching video and so on.

In other words, handphone can disrupt someone from learning or doing homework. If students are allowed using handphones in classroom, guess what would happen? Facebooking, sms-ing, playing game, listening songs, watching movies and all sort of unnecessary activities provided by their handphones. Students will find themselves difficult to concentrate during the lesson, all their minds are being attracted by that small screen!!

Last but least, handphone can be used to commit wrongdoings or even crimes. Please don’t underestimate the cleverness and ability of nowadays students; they are smarter than expected especially when they’re using high technology to do some bad things.

Using handphone to cheat in the exam, taking picture of their teachers secretly and circulate it in internet, spreading pornography among students though handphones and etc etc, all these things might be happened if we allow students to bring their handphones to school.   

In the end, I strongly reaffirm that handphones must stay OUT of my classroom! Whoever shows his/her handphone in my class, I will immediately confiscate it without any hesitation!!

Oooppss~~ I forgot to mention an important point, i.e. using handphone too frequent is very harmful to students’ health~
