星期四, 2月 23, 2012

Students, follow teacher to read?

How well a teacher conducts a lesson is basically dependent on how precise he/she delivers instructions to his/her students.

For example, “class, open your book to page 23”, “students, raise your right hand”, “please be quiet”, and etc etc….

Well, these authoritative commands are generally called ‘Classroom Instructions’. Undoubtedly, class instructions play an important role to function a lesson effectively, but most of English language teachers who are not natively speaking the language sometimes fail to deliver classroom instructions correctly instead confuse the students.

For instance, “Students, follow teacher to read this sentence.” At first, I find this instruction has no problem, because it is likely meant “同學們,跟老師讀這句子” if it translates to Chinese.

It seems making sense, huh?! At least for me. In fact, it doesn't!

Thanks to one of my lecturers, Puan Ranjini, corrected this wrong instruction, not FOLLOW me, but REPEAT AFTER me. (The word ‘follow’ means move behind someone~ literally it also means 跟 in Chinese)

Oh no, that’s mean I ‘follow’ wrongly for more than a quarter century! (Another mistake of that sentence is the appropriate usage of the word/address ‘TEACHER’; I will discuss it in my following post.)

The mistake occurred most probably due to my mother tongue’s influence; I really need to think or imagine myself is an Orang Putih! So, put away all of my Chinese thinking~

Here are some useful classroom instructions which I got it in the internet. (With Chinese meaning)
  • Be quiet. 安靜
  • Open your book to page 23. 翻開課本第23頁
  • Show me pencil box. 拿鉛筆盒出來
  • Repeat after me. 跟著我讀
  • Write down the answer. 把答案寫下來
  • Raise your hand. 舉手

  • How do you spell 'English'? 要怎麼拼 English ?
  • Make a sentence with 'love'. 用love造一個句子
  • Your turn./My turn. 輪到你了/輪到我了
  • Let's do it again. 我們再重新來一次
  • Don't do that. 那樣做是不行的
  • No way. 絕對不可以
  • Good job. 做的真棒
  • You got it. 答對了
  • Take out your workbook. 拿出你的習作簿
  • Put your book away. 把你的書收起來
  • Pay attention! 注意!
  • Listen up! 注意聽!
  • Look here! 看這裡!
  • Sit still! 坐好 !
  • Hurry up! 快一點!
  • Come to the front. 到前面來
  • Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位
  • Keep it clean and neat. 保持整潔
  • Hoist the flag. 升旗
