星期五, 1月 27, 2012

部落格公告:英語大復活 Resurrecting my English







我目前在吉打Jitra的『和平之鄉師範學院(IPDA)』讀著18個月的大學資格師範文憑課程(DPLI),主修的竟然是Teaching English as Second Language 以英語為第二語言教學(TESL),簡言之是修英語啦(副修是科學,將來出來教的是英語和科學),所以看來這一年半啊,我得天天用英語嗽口了。

所以,本部落格有個重大公佈:從下一篇post開始,將會用英語 English發表。希望各位看慣方塊字的讀者,能體諒小弟欲搞好英語的苦衷T.T,持續支持Kaillery,順便監督小弟的英語用詞,更望大家不吝指教~

Sigh, really cannot CANNOT accept that now I am writing English in this blog (although Kaillery initially be written in English), whether I accept or not, I have to admit this 'inconvenient truth’ that being happened on me: my English proficiency have been dropping to a very embarrassing level. SHAME on me~

Very thanks to my laziness and no consistence in preserving my English once I got into university. Sound weird right? It's true, my English deteriorating so drastic when I was undergraduate. Biggest reason was all of my uni-friends are Mandarin speakers. (Frankly, I won't get along easily with those English-ed people, NO offensive, that's my problem.)

Nonetheless, I have no choice, I have to resurrect my English for the sake of my course, otherwise I will get doomed in this one and half year. So, very SORRY to all of my readers, I have to make use of this blog to be my platform for brushing up my nearly dying English. Start from NEXT post onward, KAILLERY will be displayed in English, at least 80 percent in English. (What a SAD news T.T~) Of course, I will continue to share my life and view to you all.

English, I am coming.... I AM COMING TO SAVE YOU!

Hey, tell you guys, now I am a English teacher-to-be. Should proud of it, I think.

2 則留言:

凤凤 提到...

Please accept my condolences. =P

Kaito Liew 提到...

God bless.... i cannot accept =.=