星期二, 6月 26, 2007

Be Responsible, China

If you live in China, you will possibly have greater chance to make yourself despair and even vulnerable to death, please don't blame me before i give my explanation. Excluded from those natural catastrophes and terrible traffic in China, if you live in China, it means you only have little extent of speech freedom, if carelessly speak out any 'counterrevolution' term, like redress june 4 massacre or appeal for falun gong etc, surely you will get 'missing in action' and be put in jail for the rest of your life. No freedom of association, make you be individualistic and introvert. No election, make you feel hopeless to change the nation destiny. No demonstration allowed or else you might find your body killed under the tank. In addition, fake food, fake product or even fake medicine, greatly endanger your health, and some more extremely high cost for seeking a doctor will definitely make you life unprotected. Besides that, the most horrible is the basic needs for human being such as clean water, air also getting less and less in mainland China. But, you would say that 'well, china has high economic growth, high GDP', but GDP can be eaten? Is everyone of chinese people benefit from high GDP? Obviously not...

Continue the topic yesterday, chinese environment problem, nowadays, is becoming the hot topic of international major media press, apparently have given a negative impression to rest of world, but sadly to say that action that chinese government taken still quite less and ineffective. Show some news: The most polluted cities of the world, according to CNN, the World Bank recently examined 20 of the most severely polluted cities in the world. Sixteen of these cities are located in China, and Linfen City 临汾, in Shanxi Province, was cited as the world's most polluted (dirtiest) city. And from Yazhouzhoukan (Asia Weekly Magazine) also reported that 400 million of chinese citizens living with severe polluted air while 300 million of farmers have no well qualified farm land to farm!! And most terrible and saddest news is traffic police of Beijing only have life expectancy 平均寿命 of 48!! Oh, God bless them richly...

Well, the policy of chinese economy, since lack of public supervision for long time (i think is from 1949...), and lead by greedy autocratic regime, make chinese energy consumption less efficient and high misspending. But, who care! Central government only care GDP, local officer only care promotion, people forced to care nothing, if who care, who will be sent to jail. Famous environmental activist Tan Kai 谭凯 was an example. He was accused for 'illegally procuring state secrets 非法获取国家机密' (Lame!! Environmental problem is state secret?! then 1.3 billion of chinese should sent to jail!!) and sentenced to 1.5 year's imprisonment just because he founded an environment group "Green Watch 绿色观察" to supervise chinese environmental problem. This is absolutely unjust, oh yes, plus another factor, china is unjust society, and of course will make yourself despair and even vulnerable to death.

The main culprit of this deteriorating environment problem is Deng Xiaoping, thanks to his theory "let (CPC) be rich first, any problem left to next generation", this is an extremely selfish thinking!! Next generation? Our son, our grandson have to pay for their father's price?! I only heard give our next generation a better and green world, i really never heard before "left our next generation a dirty and messy world", but now i heard it, naturally undoubtedly from a irresponsible autocratic goverment, chinese communist regime.

New 'China Threat'

China deteriorating environmental 'disaster' (i think disaster is more appropriate) is another version of 'China threat' besides military and economy booming, or a new 'yellow peril 黄祸' to the world. If Chinese communist regime still refuse to hold a firm responsibility to reduce the environmental crisis, no doubt, china will become a global nuisance for entire humanity.

Nevertheless, except communist regime, majority of chinese people still have moral conscience, they knew environmental problem will harm the world and their next generation. So, they are doing something great to save their motherland, for example Greenpeace China.
